Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Anxious People

 The month of May brought us back together again!  We met at Chrysanne's in her airy porch, socially distanced and ate her wonderful food!  Being back together was so great.  Just about everyone enjoyed reading Anxious People by Fredrik Backman.  We loved the wit and the laugh out loud moments.  The relationships were sometimes a bit far reaching, but fun.  Those of us who did not enjoy this book found no merit and argued good heartedly with us.  

Next month, we are meeting at Ed's House on June 22nd.  We are reading The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker. 


  In April, we read Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell.  We had a mixed reaction as readers.  We agreed that it was beautifully written and quite interesting from an historical perspective.  I don't think any of us would have thought about the connection between the death of William Shakespeare's boy, Hamnet and the play, Hamlet.  We discussed the possible connections between the play and the story of his son's death from the Bubonic Plague.  We talked about the difficulty of resolving the death of a child within a family and a marriage.  Ironically, we were reading a book that was set during the time of a pandemic during a pandemic.  The division in our endorsement of the novel was in the somewhat magical and fantastical nature of the activities of Agnes and the plot.  Some of us loved the escape, while other found it hard to reconcile.  In the end, we were glad to have read it.  

This book marked a year of meeting remotely and we tried to liven up our gathering with a facilitator (Thank you, Lexi) and a video of Maggie O'Farrell discussing her novel.

We are going to meet in person on May 6th, 2021 at Chrysanne's home.  We will read Anxious People  by Fredrik Backman.