Friday, February 14, 2014

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

 This month, we met at Ed's.  We were missing our legislative members, Katie and Tim who were off fighting the good fight, creating a better Vermont for all of us.  And Chrysanne was off on her now annual trip to Oaxaca, Mexico.  We had the added benefit of Louise's cooking for this book club with dinner served in the dining room with multiple pieces of silverware and candles!

The book was not overwhelmingly endorsed by members-however, the idea of leaving the house one day and just starting to walk towards something led to some very funny stories including Ed and Louise's recent holiday season where as Louise put it-we outsourced our relatives and our gifts and drove across country with our dog and spent 10 days in a cabin on Lake Tahoe to Terry's tale of a nearly missed Ph.D. and the acquisition of a Rolls Royce when he was living in the Northeast Kingdom, managing a Californian money fund.  Terry eventually drove the Rolls Royce cross country in order to obtain the best sale in California.

I laughed so hard, I cried at one point!  Louise served not one, not two, but three desserts.  They were all so good that some of us took cookies home in ziplock baggies.

We are meeting next at Chrysanne's on March 24th.  We are reading Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore: a Novel by Robin Sloan.  Both Fred and Mindy brought the book for a suggested title.  See you in March!

The Sisters Brothers

 I missed this book club which met at Mindy's in January.  We read Patrick DeWitt's The Sisters Brothers.  I found this photo of the author and I think that his image reminds me of the brothers!  I don't really know what to write about, not having been there for the discussion, but Ed did send me this note:

Hi Cindy- Very sorry to hear about Fred's dad. Next meeting is February 10 here at my house.
The book is The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce.  Everyone liked Sisters
Brothers except me. I wasn't convinced by the discussion- it seemed like loosely connectedincidents of violence porn but others saw humor, redemption, odyssey. And Mindy seemedto see the whole thing as a bit of slapstick on Western novels.

So there you have it.  I hope Ed doesn't mind that I copied his email on this blog.  Will remove if he does!