Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Spies of the Balkans

For July, we read Spies of the Balkans by Alan Furst.  Alan Furst was well known to Ed, Tim and Fred who have read some of his previous spy thrillers.  Alan Furst is noted for his accuracy in the reporting of historical political intrigues.  Spies of the Balkans was set in Salonika, Greece in 1941 during the beginning of WW2.  Our main character became part of a movement to help Jewish people escape from the Nazi's by way of a route that traveled through Greece.  The group all agreed that the setting and historical facts were interesting and provided for some good discussion.  We thought that the author disappointed in his development of the relationships, particularly those involving romance.

I think I speak for all when I say that the highlight of the evening was the dinner, prepared by Lexi in the Greek tradition!  Here are a few shots of dinner (sorry you missed it, Terry):

Next month, as planned, we will read a classic: Fathers and Sons by Turgenev.  We will meet at Tim's on August 27th.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Shadow of the Wind

This month, we read Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.  I am late writing this update because I don't know what to say.  In our bookclub, we refer to books as being 'bookclub books'  or 'not bookclub books.'  Now, I knew when I suggested this book that it was in danger of being a 'not bookclub book.'  Don, a former member would explain that a book that was based on plot and action is difficult to discuss.  When we couldn't decide on a book, I threw it out because, well, it did sell 15 million copies, lots of people have read it in their bookclub and it is a book about books.  I just loved the idea of the Cemetery of Forgotten Books and the coming of age ritual of choosing a book from the Cemetery and protecting that book.  Ok, as my bookclub members discussed, the plot does unravel into a highly unlikely story and there wasn't really all that much to discuss...except for the great cheese and wine Fred provided for us to accompany a great summer meal complete with decadent dessert!

Next month, Fred suggested Spies of the Balkans by Alan Furst.  And after that the Bookclub members have vowed to read a classic and everyone is charged with bringing a suggestion.  I have mine all prepared and I hope everyone is working on theirs!  See you on July 30th at Mindy's House!