Friday, June 17, 2011

A Visit from the Goon Squad

Are we too old to truly appreciate a novel written like a vinyl album complete with text messaging and an entire story told in power point?  Thankfully, Katie was able to explain the polymorphic nature or the work and proclaimed it genius.  I liked the reflections about the brother with autism who had a stereotypic fascination with the pauses in music.  In any case, the goon squad has us on it its grip!

We had a wonderful garden tour on a gorgeous night at Terry's followed by a professionally catered dinner which was delicious!  The wine flowed and the conversation spilled!  Great to be a part of this group!

Next month's book is Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel.  She won the Booker Prize for her work.  Ed lobbied hard for this one-I think he might be tiring of chick books and Tim probably agreed because it wasn't an "I" book.