Sunday, April 13, 2014

Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Book Store

Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Book Store was a fun read.  The contrast between technology and bound books and bookstores and the internet inspired a lively conversation.  With a show of thumbs called by Chrysanne, the overall opinion was mixed and led to the inevitable discussion of what is a book club book.  For the first time ever, there was a concerted effort to be a bit more definitive and here is what we have (subject to change by the next book club meeting):

The book should:

  • Capture the Human Experience
  • Expose one to something unusual
  • Cause controversy in our discussion
  • Expose us to new possibilities
  • Be a book we may have never chosen on our own
  • Be well written with language we enjoy
Perhaps the group will review and add to the criteria! Tim?  Katie?  Meanwhile, Lexi and Ed reviewed books read and not read in the distant past by the Greater Westford Literary Society and with the help of Fred's excel spread sheet with titles and authors came up with a list of books to consider.  And since it will be at my house I had the definitive vote.  And because I have been hearing about the Confederacy of Dunces for so long and because it is Ed's favorite book and because Lexi always says, "Let's read it!"  We are going to go with it for May 19th at Cindy's House.  See you there!