Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Who is Rich

This October 2018, we read Who is Rich by Matthew Klam.

For one of the first times ever, the men in our group loved the book and the women did not.  There were some wonderings around why the group was split.  Was it the way the author able to understand the workings of the mind of men.  The women felt that the female characters were not as well developed and that we were only seeing the male side of things.  Ed compared this work to Updike and Tim to Philip Roth.  This novel falls in the genre of sorting out the confusion of infidelity.  Klam writes: ” About Amy, he thinks, “I didn’t really love her, I wasn’t even sure I liked her, although maybe I liked her. But did I like her because I was lonely and she was hot and rich? Or was it because I didn’t get any sleep and had brain damage from speaking baby language? Or because Robin’s booty had snapped back into shape but touching it was still a no-no?”  We had a good discussion about relationships and how intimacy moves from partners to children to others and where that leaves the individual.  Great discussion and Great dinner.  Lexi's Chili recipe was fantastic!

Next month we will meet at Alan's House and read Less  on December 4th at 6:45.

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