October found us reading
Everybody's fool, a sequel to Nobody's Fool. We we were surprised to find that we had not read the previous book together as a group. Most of us found the novel completely delightful: funny, engaging and poignant. Everyone loved Sully, of course. And Doug Raymer, who was a minor character in Nobody's Fool shared the lime light with Sully. All of the doom and gloom, death and deception revolve around Doug Raymer. We almost lose Sully, but he survives and hold out hope for a trilogy.

After reviewing the different novels we have read over the years as we are wont to do:

1994- Risk Pool; 2001 Empire Falls; and 2008 Bridge of Sighs; one person pointed out that there might have been a bit of a departure in this novel where evil is described and acknowledged. Whereas in past novels, evil has occurred a bit as a blunder from ignorance or accident. It was fun laughing about all of the characters and eating Lexi's great food.
Next month we meet at Tim's on November 28th for Reservation Blues by Sherman Alexie.
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