September's book selection was David Benioff's
City of Thieves. I am going to try to capture the discussion which was a bit all over the place. The reviews were mixed. Some loved the story, others were so so and Lexi did not like it. Most of the discussion centered around the horrors and absurdities inherent in war, the worst of which were all captured within this novel. The group agreed that the shortness of the novel helped the reader navigate the number of horrific scenes including cannibalism, murder, torture and not great sex. The coming of age aspects, the chess game and the love story were all parts we enjoyed. We had a good review on WWII history from the Russian perspective and bit by bit some of us will finally be able to put together a WWII history for ourselves! In summary, the finalist for the Green Mountain Book Award, the cross over novel,
City of Thieves gets a mixed review by the Greater Westford Literary Society.
A highlight of the evening was Tim's Eggplant Parmesan which featured home grown eggplants from Theresa's garden. Very memorable!

Next month is a pick by our new member, Alan:
The Natural by Bernard Malamud. We are meeting at Mindy's with dinner by Lexi and I am not sure we ascertained a time, but since Mindy usually has to work, Let's say 7 on October 26th.
Yes,at 7