Thursday, June 27, 2024

Tom Lake

 Tom Lake by Ann Patchett was the book choice for June.  I should really remember to write the blog post right after our meeting.  At the moment I can only remember how great the grilled salmon, asparagus and potatoes with fresh greens we had for dinner was.  Oh, and the blueberry crisp for dessert in keeping with the fruit theme of the book.  I think overall, everyone had something positive to say about this novel.  Ann Patchett definitely captured the feelings of emerging adulthood and adventure, paired with lessons learned in youth. We saw how the main character's  narrative took on different meaning with time.  

Patchett captured that feeling of uncertainty brought on by the  precautions of the Covid 19 shut down and families making the best of an unusual situation.  We liked the character development overall.  And we liked the theme of how small, simple, basic lifestyle won out over notoriety and money.  Definitely dinner at Chrysanne's beats a five star Michelin dinner any day of the week!

We are meeting on July 15th at Terry's House at 5:30.  We are reading This Is Happiness by Niall Williams.